Thursday 16 October 2014

Best Ayurvedic Panchakarma Treatment at Kairali Ayurvedic Healing Village

Panchkarma” is a branch of “Ayurveda” which deals with restoration of youth and rejuvenation. The Ayurveda panchakarma therapy is extremely gentle, effective and nurturing. Panchakarma helps to support detoxification and rejuvenation of our bodies and minds. Ayurveda prescribes Panchakarma Therapy for the cleansing of body toxins.

Ayurveda Panchkarma:-

Panchakarma treatment  in Ayurveda is the essential  body-mind  healing experience for detoxifying the body, strengthening the immune system, and restoring complete balance and well-being.
It  is  a  set  of  five  therapeutic  treatments  that  is  administered  to  the  person  for  complete rejuvenation, cleansing  and  detoxification  of  the  body.  As per  Ayurveda  detoxification of body  is essential before undergoing any major treatment. Evenfor completely healthy people  panchakarma treatment is suggested once every few years to get rid of all the toxins and impurities that  gets deposited in  the  body. In many cases, Panchakarma alone can cure many chronic diseases without  any further  treatments.

Panchakarma  Treatment  for Rejuvenation

Rejuvenation  means  making  young  again. Panchakarma (pancha meaning five and karma meaning action) is  the  age old  rejuvenation  treatment  practiced  in Ayurveda. It is the traditional ayurvedic  way  of  cleansing  the  body  from all  the  toxins  and  impurities  and  making the  body youthful   and  disease  free all over again. Along with the elimination of disease causing toxins, Panchakarma treatment  for  rejuvenation   also  purifies the tissues at a very deep level, relaxes  and  calms  the nerves  and bones  stimulating tranquillity  of  mind  and  body.

Panchakarma  treatment  in Ayurveda is a five-fold  therapy. There are five  essential steps that  needs to  be followed. But at the same time panchakarma treatment  is a highly individualized  therapy that is based on the person’s Ayurvedic constitutional type, dosha imbalance, immune  strength, age, digestive power   and  many  more other  factors. Depending on each individual's needs all  or only parts of the five  step  therapy are administered.

It  is  vital  that  ayurvedic  panchkarma treatment  is administered  by  expert  physicians and  specially  trained therapists, although Panchakarma therapy  is for the most part a pleasant and comfortable, there can be phases of discomfort associated with the intense release of toxins, which does occur. It is crucial  that a knowledgeable expert who knows all about the  therapy supervises this therapy. Also a calm and serene environment, with no distractions or pollution is very necessary in this Ayurveda panchakarma therapy.

Kairali- The Ayurvedic Healing Village, tucked away in the south-western tip of India and  surrounded  by  miles  of  lush  green  Pala  forests,  fresh  water  streams, rolling  hills and  ever  green  valleys  offers  the right environment  for  the  best panchakarma  treatment.

 Located in Palakkad, Kerala India, Kairali is an amazing ayurvedicwellness resort that is set amongst 50 acres of lush green flora and fauna mainly comprised of curative herbal trees and plants.  The 30 expansive villas for accommodation are all equipped with all the needed modern amenities. Each villa has been built keeping with Vastu Shastra, the Indian version of feng shui, incorporating the balance of five elements. None of the villas looks like the other and each has a distinct zodiac name and is assigned to the guests based on their birth date. This makes sure that the energy around works to heal you effectively.

In keeping with the modern times, there is a swimming pool, tennis courts, library, cyber centre, recreation programmes. The guests who come here for Ayurvedic  Panchakarma  treatment are to follow a strict routine and meant to detox their bodies and souls. This resort has taken care to the fact that the whole environment is at all times pollution free.

 The kitchens serve only vegetarian food and alcohol is strictly prohibited.  This resort  serves healthy, gourmet  food,  using vegetables  and  fruits that  are mostly  straight from  the  resorts  own  organic  garden. Fresh, local,  seasonal   food  is  always  chosen  and carefully cleaned  and  prepared  to create  the  most   delicious  yet  healthy   menu  items.  There are doctors and dieticians who prescribe the right kind of nutritious meals based on the composition of the body and  lifestyle.

Kairali believes that the daily stress, pollutants and poor lifestyle choices create a toxic imbalance in the body that needs to be resorted.

Panchakarma treatment reverses this degenerative process quickly and its effects are often profound and long-lasting.  At Kairali- The Ayurvedic Healing Village we use a skilful amalgamation of  ayurvedic massage, herbal saunas, special diet  and nutritional directives, mild fasting and the five step therapy  to rid the body of accumulated toxins.

Ayurveda panchakarma therapy at Kairali begins with a thorough examination of the body by a knowledgeable Ayurvedic Physician, and the doctor recommends a program tailored to your individual health. The whole therapy is carried out under the strict supervision of the doctor, by expert therapists.

Correct Panchakarma treatments have been shown to create measurable brain wave coherence and to lower metabolic activity. They allow the body and mind to drop into a profound level of peacefulness. In this state of relaxation, it is possible to cleanse toxins from tissues as well as to release deeply held emotional tensions

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